Teaching Courses 授課課程

  (Seminar ) (Literature Review)
大學部 植物生理學 (Plant Physiology)
生物技術與植物醫學 (Biotechnology and Plant Medicine)
植物病理學實習 (1) (1. Practice of Plant Pathology)
植物病理學實習 (2) (2. Practice of Plant Pathology)
作物病蟲害管理與診斷技術 (Management and Identification Techniques of Plant Diseases and Insect Pests on Crop Plant)
作物病蟲害管理與診斷技術實習 (Practice of Management and Identification Techniques of Plant Diseases and Insect Pests on Crop Plant)
研究所 專題討論  (Literature Review)
文獻選讀  (Seminar )
植物醫學特論 (Special Topics on Plant Medicine)
高等植物病理學 (Advanced Plant Pathology)
分子植物醫學 (Molecular Plant Medicine)
微生物製劑開發學程 [微型課程] 微生物製劑 (Microbial Agent)